About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 23, 2018

MONDAY #3406

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Don't forget to drink plenty of water and get some sunshine because you are basically a house plant with more complicated emotions.







Karma is a pain in the ass.






Interesting read...and remember my love for the absurd...






Nobody knows just how many dead bodies are at the bottom of Lake Tahoe.



This happens far too often to be mistakes.


Bi-curious kid on a playdate embarrassing his mom.



What kind of door is that?!
I would think he would give up and try the hinged side.






Oh, my.



Jean-Claud1a Van Dame
Any lower and she would leave her own slug trail.


Never forget when this happened in the NFL.

Shouldn't it be "Us the people" instead of "We the people"?



MACS J1149+2223 Lensed Star-1, also known as Icarus, is a blue supergiant observed through a gravitational lens and the most distant individual star detected, at 9 billion light-years from Earth... Light from the star was emitted 4.4 billion years after the Big Bang.  According to co-discoverer Patrick Kelly, the star is at least a hundred times more distant than the next-farthest non-supernova star observed, and is the first magnified individual star seen.



The wonder of modern cameras.



Monster Sturgeon
Who caught whom?


With that a demonstrated problem, how in the hell did the shell save more lives than it cost.


Game of Thrones stuntmen
Imagine the science that went into that.


A new analysis provides support for a decades-old prediction that "supermassive" black holes at the centers of galaxies are surrounded by many smaller ones.
Not only does the black holes immense gravity pull the other black holes toward it, but the gravity pull of the smaller black holes assists.
It's like fat people on a bus. With a drive long enough, they will always sit next to each other.


1 : 1 000 000 000 Model of The Solar System
What you see is Jupiter and its moons. In the background is the sun. Both planet sizes and distances are one to billion.


Ship ramming a restaurant.

What it looked like from the restaurant.


Can't help but be awed over the engineering and just plain hard work that took to build.

There is no such thing as a "More Perfect" union.



US Defense Attaché to Pakistan Col Joseph E. Hall was speeding under the influence of alcohol. He can be seen running a RED traffic light and consequently hitting two Pakistani youth on a motorbike, one of whom died on the spot. The scumbag was released because of dip immunity.
Who enters an intersection and never even glances on coming traffic? Well, they were young, but the one that lived will never make that mistake again.


Elect that person as governor.



Do you think Americans should be able to own one of these?

But the fact that this doesn't put the guy on his ass is a testament to the recoil mitigation of that design.


Yeah, I know the rule, but try this:

When you take a night out to play poker with the guys, go home and give $20 to the wife as "her" part of your winnings. She will never mind you gambling again. I had one friend that his wife started to encourage him to play cards more often.


That's one of my pet peeves. People who do things just because everyone else does it, without giving it a single thought of their own. This includes weddings, funerals, and the tastes in everything from hairstyles to shoes.
Think for yourself. It is much more fun that way.

My wife has annoyingly brief orgasms and I can't ever tell if she's actually finished or not. But I still love her despite her shortcomings.




That's what happens when you work on your own car.




It's just plain silly.




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