About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Meskel Square, Addis Ababa

I think that wheelwell stowaway did it to have more leg room.

"Public smoking bans were linked to a decline in preterm births and child hospital visits for asthma within a year of implementing the ban."

Facts like that disturb me. I can only assume that preterm births rise or fall every year, and subscribing a cause for the latest fall is suspect.

*builds time machine* *goes back in time 183 days* *earth is on the other side of the sun* *dies in space*

The first European settlement in the Americas was founded by Columbus in what is now the Dominican Republic. That is, to say, it was founded on a warm, fruit-growing island. And, yet, scurvy was apparently a major reason that settlement failed.


Look closely...

 And on the reverse side they found this sketch...

I would be embarrassed to do this...

Saw this...
And remembered this...
As a condition for hanging the painting, the gallery owner made the artist paint in the small boat in the upper left so that it wasn't so distressing.

Think this pic of Brad Pitt is photoshopped?
It was a photo shoot...

As I understand it, carp (gold fish) will grow to a size comfortable for their environments. Gold fish in fish bowls stay small because their environment is small...

Caption Contest...

Oh, my....

I agree.

Some people are just very easy to hate...

How could he not...

Young people on the internet get it...

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

I've read that the more rules applied to driving the more accidents that will occur. The idea is that in situations like your video, people have to think for themselves and pay attention to their surroundings.

I think that Rolling Stone shoot coincided with Fight Club. Would certainly explain the hair and the overall "weirdness."

Caption Contest: Isaac enthusiastically misunderstood her desire for head.

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